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Stelvio Grotesk Regular
Size 23px
Line height 33px
The Bauhaus was a pioneering school of art, design, and architecture founded in 1919 in Weimar, Germany, by architect Walter Gropius. Emerging after World War I, it aimed to unify fine arts and craftsmanship, embracing modernity, functionality, and mass production. Influenced by movements such as Arts and Crafts, De Stijl, and Constructivism, the Bauhaus sought to eliminate the divide between artists and artisans, fostering a holistic design approach where form followed function. Its curriculum blended theoretical education with practical workshops, covering painting, typography, metalwork, furniture design, textiles, and architecture. Renowned artists like Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, László Moholy-Nagy, Johannes Itten, Josef Albers, and Marcel Breuer were part of its faculty, bringing innovative methods and diverse artistic visions. Initially, in Weimar, the focus was on craftsmanship and expressionism, but after relocating to Dessau in 1925, the school embraced industrial rationalism and modernist design.
The Bauhaus building, designed by Gropius, symbolized this shift with its functionalism, geometric clarity, and open spaces. The Dessau years produced iconic designs, such as Breuer’s tubular steel furniture and Herbert Bayer’s modernist typography. Rising political pressure from the Nazi regime forced another relocation in 1932, this time to Berlin under Ludwig Mies van der Rohe’s directorship. However, in 1933, the Nazis shut down the Bauhaus, accusing it of promoting leftist and un-German ideals. Despite its closure, its impact spread globally as many of its members emigrated, especially to the United States, where Gropius and Moholy-Nagy continued its legacy. The New Bauhaus in Chicago played a crucial role in shaping modern architecture, industrial design, and graphic arts worldwide. The Bauhaus aesthetic—minimalism, geometric abstraction, and technological integration—remains a foundation of contemporary design, influencing architecture, product design, and visual communication today.
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Line height 33px
Stelvio Grotesk Bold
Size 53px
Line height 56px
Our guiding principle was that design is neither an intellectual nor a material affair, but simply an integral part of the stuff of life, necessary for everyone in a civilized society. We want an architecture adapted to our world of machines, radios, and fast cars, an architecture whose function is clearly recognizable in the relation of its forms.
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